Nanny vertelt ons!
Over Nanny verhalen
Name: D. Anna From Czech
1 – After 6 months in Netherlands I have to say I love Dutch culture. People here are very positive and open, friendly. Like Au pair I have some free time, which I can spend out with my friends, sport or just go to city centre.
2 – I´m really enjoying time with my host family and kids. My host parents are my friends also and I can talk with them about my hobbies, friends, troubles… kids are very active, so I´m glad I can make for them lots of activities.
3 – Positive side of Au pair program for me is I learned how to take care about myself and next 4 people in the same house. How I said already, I found a lot of new friends, I had a great English course, I sport a lot over here, I became good friends with whole family of my host family… and everything happened in lovely Dutch environment.
4 – I have some advice for another Au pair in Holland or Belgium, you have to think about homesick, missing your friends in your home country. Maybe you will miss privacy, children are awake /and screaming/ early morning, sometimes they visit you in your own room, bathroom is busy… But Holland and Belgium is so nice country and people are so nice and friendly, I´m sure everybody will help you feel great here. After few weeks you will be satisfied and enjoying all kinds of Dutch culture, like riding of bike, eating of bread and waffels, visiting lots of events and maybe, speaking little bit Dutch.
5 – I´m pretty satisfied with Babs Au pair service. When I had some troubles, I could just sent email or Skype chat and then talk with somebody responsible from the agency. Sometimes the only help was “talk with your family”, so it wasn´t easy always only talk, maybe next time should be better to talk more only Au pair and agency. Just support her and make her sure, everything´s will be fine and give her some tips how to make it better.
Anna from Czech
Wat zeggen onze klanten over ons!
door family Homayer, Amsterdam
"Erg positief. Nadatik het familie aanvraag formulier had gestuurd, werd ik binnen 1 dag gebeld voor een interview bij mijn thuis (Een aangename verrassing). Ik heb meteen daarna de benodigde documenten gestuurd en voor een sneller afhandeling..... "